Giovedì 20 aprile 2023 - Ore 15:00 - Aula 34
Diego Tamburini - British Museum di Londra

I musei sono istituzioni non accademiche che in alcuni casi contengono laboratori scientifici di alta qualità e rappresentano un motore trainante nel campo della chimica dei beni culturali. In questo seminario Diego Tamburini racconterà il suo percorso che parte dall’Universita’ di Pisa per arrivare al British Museum di Londra, in cui ricopre adesso una posizione da scienziato per i materiali organici e polimerici. Presentando alcuni esempi di ricerca, il seminario cercherà di presentare come il mondo museale possa rappresentare uno sbocco per il chimico e altre figure professionali in campo scientifico.

Giovedì 27 aprile 2023 - Ore 15:00 - Aula 34

Nell’ultimo decennio è fortemente aumentata la consapevolezza riguardo la necessità di salvaguardare l’ambiente dai rifiuti derivanti dagli oggetti in materiale polimerico, i quali sono ormai insostituibili nello stile di vita umano. Le tecnologie demandate alla rivalorizzazione delle materie sono il riciclo meccanico, il riciclo chimico , il recupero energetico, il feedstock ed il riuso. I materiali che sono stati oggetto di riciclo sono quindi reimmessi sul mercato come “materia prima seconda “ e tornano nel ciclo di produzione. In questo scenario la criticità delle «plastiche» è legata più all’inadeguatezza della tecnologia dello smaltimento/rivalorizzazione piuttosto che al materiale in se. In questo seminario, in un ottica di economia circolare, verrà discusso come riciclare la componente poliolefinica estratta dal flusso delle plastiche post consumo consenta di ottenere blends ad alto valore aggiunto rendendo il materiale di recupero versatile per molte applicazioni.

Giovedì 4 maggio 2023 - Ore 15:00 - Aula 34
Cromology Italia

Una delegazione del nostro dipartimento HR parlerà di quanto siano importanti l'atteggiamento proattivo e l'attitudine alla gestione del tempo nelle aziende. Il tutto sarà accompagnato da testimonianze dei colleghi di R&D che, dopo la Laurea in Chimica a Pisa, si sono trovati ad affrontare le sfide giornaliere facendo affidamento sulle loro capacità di proattività e di gestire il tempo a disposizione.

Venerdì 5 maggio 2023 - Ore 10:30 - Aula 24
Il dott. Lucia Helena Santos - Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA)

Due to their persistence and ubiquity, microplastics have been recognized as an emerging risk to the environment and human health. They have a large specific surface area, having the ability to sorb and accumulate other contaminants that co-exist with them in the aquatic environment like pharmaceuticals. Thus, microplastics can act as vectors, facilitating the contact of pharmaceuticals with aquatic organisms. In this seminar, it will be shown how the interaction of pharmaceuticals and microplastics may influence on the bioaccumulation and toxic effects of pharmaceuticals in biota, and how this may represent a risk for human health due to a possible dietary exposure.

Giovedì 11 maggio 2023 - Ore 15:00 - Aula 32
Prof. Graham Worth - University College of London, UK

Atoms and molecules are quantum mechanical particles and this is reflected in how they interact, either with each other or with light. Understanding how these interactions occur is fundamental to understanding chemistry. The talk will provide an overview of how individual molecular interactions and their outcomes can be observed experimentally, with emphasis being given to the use of light in initiating and following a reaction. This is the field of femto (and now atto) chemistry. Describing these experiments theoretically requires quantum molecular dynamics simulations and the basic ideas of these will be presented. This requires solving the time-dependent Schroedinger equation to follow the time-evolution of a wavefunction representing the nuclei moving over potential energy surfaces due to the electrons. For photo-excited reactions, however, the Born-Oppenheimer approximation that provides this picture breaks down and the coupling between the electronic and nuclear motion needs to be considered. This, known as non-adiabatic coupling, often dominates reactions.

Giovedì 25 maggio 2023 - Ore 15:00 - Aula 32
Il dott. Florent Beaufils - SpiroChem

SpiroChem is a swiss-based innovative chemistry solutions provider. With cutting-edge and proprietary process chemistry technologies, SpiroChem offers solutions to universities, biotechs, pharmaceutical and agricultural companies of all sizes. Our services and products help scientists accelerate drug discovery. In particular, we help medicinal chemists to improve ADME properties, explore novel chemical spaceremove synthetic hurdles and anticipate drug attrition.

Giovedì 25 maggio 2023 - Ore 9:30 - Aula 21
Dott. Vaclav Slovak - University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Department of Chemistry

After a general introduction about Ostrava, University of Ostrava, Faculty of Science, and the Department of Chemistry, the seminar will provide an overview of the most recent research results of the Carbonaceous adsorbents research group, dealing with synthesis, characterization and applications of porous carbons.

Giovedì 1 giugno 2023 - Ore 14:30 - Aula 24
Il dott. Lorenzo Tesi - Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Quantum technologies are poised to revolutionize current methods for large-scale computations and solving complex quantum physics and chemistry problems. Qubits, the fundamental units of quantum technologies, can be realized in a multitude of systems, such as superconducting circuits, nitrogen vacancies in diamonds, or electronic spins in molecules. Molecular Spin Qubits (MSQs), based on the spin levels of metal ions or organic radicals, appear to be natural candidates for this role, given their inherently quantum nature. This talk will address some cutting edge approaches and suggest prospective strategies for overcoming the current limitations of MSQs. In the first part, we will show how click chemistry, a technique recognized with the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, can be utilized to prepare a self-assembled monolayer of MSQs. The second part will be devoted to the integration of MSQs into polymeric-based organic semiconductors, aiming not only to achieve an electrical read-out of the qubit states but also to explore potential applications in the field of spintronics.

Lunedì 5 giugno 2023 - Ore 14:30 - Aula 24
Prof. Renaud Bachelot - University of Technology of Troyes

In microscale optoelectronics, the possibility to precisely control the spatial distribution of the active medium leads to optimization of systems and devices. At the nanoscale, this issue still constitutes a challenge, especially within the frame of hybrid plasmonic nano-emitters based on coupling between quantum emitters and metal nanocavities. We studied and exploited the controlled nanoscale spatial positioning of semiconductor quantum emitters in the close vicinity of metal nanostructures. This control relies on plasmon-assisted nano-polymerization of a photosensitive formulation that hosts nano-emitters. In addition to offering a promising platform for nanochemistry, this approach enables the design of the symmetry of the medium surrounding plasmonic nano-antenna.

Venerdì 9 giugno 2023 - Ore 15:00 - Aula 32
Dott. Davide Tiana - University College Cork

In the last decades MOFs have become an important area of research that goes beyond the simple gas-adsorption. Creating defects inside of the MOFs (eg doping of the metal node, missing linker, missing cluster) provides an extra degree of freedom that can be used for tuning the opto-electronic properties of MOFs aiming to use them in catalysis. In the 1st part of the talk I will show how computational chemistry can be used to study MOFs, explaining properties at atomistic level. In the 2nd part I will show how, by combining simulations and experiments, we have been able to create two new photo-catalysts: one able to reduce CO2 to CO, the other capable of producing hydrogen from water splitting without any sacrificial agent.

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